Wednesday 15 August 2012


Most people already know of the vampire Alucard, spelt the other way: Dracula.

Hellsing (in general, manga and both anime) has to be my favourite Anime of all. The story is just incredible and i just absolutely love Alucard.

Now the Hellsing I'm talking about isn't Ultimate... even though Ultimate is just as amazing, dare i say better. Both though are still brilliant!

Now for the story, Alucard works for the organisation Hellsing, in London, England. Hellsing are in charge of disposal of  supernatural beings and demons (including vampires). Alucard himself works for Sir Integra Hellsing (the lady in charge and descendant of the one and only Abraham van Hellsing).One night Alucard comes across a police girl (Seras Victoria) and changes her into a vampire, thus making her work for Hellsing too.

Alucard and Seras battle ghouls, vampires and even a catholic priest (Alexander Anderson). He gets torn to pieces, decapitated, staked... everything you could imagine that would kill a vampire. But not Alucard.
I did watch this in English at first and after discovering Alucards voice i couldn't change it. Dark and scary. The voice acting in this is amazing. It's probably the only Anime that i would watch in English.

One thing that i always wanted after seeing this Anime was Alucards sunglasses. Even his whole costume is amazing. I cannot fault this Anime even a little!
Forget stakes through the heart, forget decapitation, forget sunlight... Alucard is the all-time bad-ass vampire that we needed. Just wait until you see his powers!

This post was edited because after a while my opinion of Ultimate changed a lot... 21/11/12

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